Western Province Cricket Association clubs attempting to qualify for the National Club Championship only have to field a black African player in 50 percent of their 2016-17 premier league fixtures.
Transformation objectives noted in the WPCA by-laws for the 2016-17 season initially stated: ‘Each premier league club must, at all times, field in its XI, in every two-day match, at least two players of colour, of which one must be a black African.’
This has since reverted to the 2015-16 season ruling, which notes: ‘All qualifying clubs must have two players of colour, of which one must be black African and who has played 50 percent of all premier league games in the 2016-17 season.
‘Clubs who do not meet the criteria listed above will forfeit their participation in the Club Championship tournament – and further forfeit their prize money for the premier league competition. The next highest placed team who meets the criteria will qualify.’
Cape Town Cricket Club represented Western Province at the NCC earlier this year, despite finishing third in the 2015-16 WPCA premier league, after first-placed Western Province Cricket Club and second-placed Rondebosch Cricket Club failed to comply.
A vote taken during WPCA members’ council meeting in October, too, ensured penalty points won’t be imposed on clubs who fail to have a black African in their premier league XI.
The initial decision, which was eventually overturned, insisted: ‘A premier league club failing to field two players of colour, of which one must be a black African, will be penalised four match points in respect of each match in which such contravention occurs.’